The Elder's Path Read online

Page 18

  Siege pried the jewel out with armored fingers and held it in his palm. He looked at it blankly and without a word he crushed it in his mighty grip. Marcho said nothing, but nodded to himself in satisfaction.

  "I will take this sword with me," Siege said without emotion. "It deserves to have its honor cleansed after that foul creature tainted it. I will wield it in memory of my father, and my brother."

  Slinging the shining blade over his back, he took his former weapon and planted it firmly in the snow where Ren had fallen. He took a step back and admired the makeshift grave. He met Lyn's eyes for a moment, and she saw tears forming in the honest blue gaze. He turned to look at the three-eyed wolf. The two exchanged a long glace before Siege nodded once to him and turned away. "Say your goodbyes, I will ready the horses. And demon, may we never meet again."

  Lyn waited until Siege was out of earshot before she turned back to the silent wolf. "Marcho, Umbra told me things..."

  "Yes," he said simply.

  Lyn looked to him, searching his eyes for answers. She found none. "Is what Umbra said true? Do you kill to sustain yourself in this world?"

  "Not exactly. It is true that my sustainability is derived from the demise of others at my hand. But that is not only in this world, and I do not engage in it in a wanton manner."

  "Explain, please."

  "Unlike Umbra, who was an exception, other demons such as myself are bound by contracts upon entering a realm. My services are usually sought for a specific purpose; I am known as a hunter and this is what I have been accustomed to doing. However, I can choose to accept a contract or not, and I do not kill outside of the parameters of my contract unless absolute necessity dictates it. This is why I chose to slumber for centuries rather than consume life and remain conscious for the duration."

  Lyn considered a moment, and a smile crossed her face. "So you did keep to your word. You don't plan on staying to terrorize us?"

  The ebon wolf shook his head slowly, eyes never leaving Lyn.

  "Marcho," she breathed, stepping in to hug him around the neck. "Thank you."

  The great wolf sat still, startled at the behavior. But after a moment, he closed his eyes and leaned into the embrace. "No," he said in to her ear, "thank you. I can finally return home."

  He began to shift and swirl in a slow cloud, immaterializing from her world. A tear ran down her face as she stepped back and watched him slowly begin to fade.

  "Will I ever see you again?" she asked, her heart heavy.

  For the very first time, she heard the black wolf let a small laugh escape him. "Yes, World-Walker, I think that you might." He threw back his shaggy head and let out a wonderful howl that ran through the trees and out in the night sky to freedom before it faded into an echo, then silence as he vanished.

  Where he had stood on the white snow, something glittered. Lyn peered through the tears that had welled in her eyes and saw that it was a small, sharp tooth strung on a long strip of leather. Lyn put it around her neck and tied it in the back like a necklace. She fingered the tooth and put it under her clothing, close to her heart.


  Lyn walked slowly back towards the horses. The wind had stopped its cutting path and the world seemed calmer. She mounted Argos, patting him on the neck. He whickered softly as Siege handed over her reins and the two travelers moved away from the ruins.

  Lyn was quiet as she tried to work out what she was feeling. She simultaneously felt great joy and accomplishment, but also sorrow and loss. She knew she would never be quite the same girl that had run headlong from the forest, knew that this part of her journey was done, and that more awaited her on the horizon.

  But, like all people, she clung to the moment and resisted change; she did not want to part ways. Alir flew to her from the trees and circled for a moment before landing on his saddle perch. He peered knowingly at Lyn and shook his head, ruffling his feathers. Lyn took a deep breath, held it a moment, and exhaled. It frosted the air in front of her before fading away into the dim glow. Morning was slowly coming, and quiet settled over the mountain. A very light snow began to fall, blanketing the ground and trees in a fresh layer of pure, soft white.

  "So," Lyn said awkwardly, "will you be going back to Skyehart estate now?" She did not look at Siege as she spoke, but her stomach was tickling and turning in a nervous tumble. From the corner of her eye, she saw him look over at her.

  For a moment, he said nothing, simply watched her. He turned his gaze slowly to the path ahead, blue eyes twinkling in the early morning light and said in an easy manner, "The estate does need some maintaining. But Stygian needs the exercise, and now that Ren is gone...well, maybe I can spend some time in the world on my own terms."

  Lyn's heart felt like it had done a flip, but she did her utmost to seem cool and nonchalant. "Oh? And where do you think you'll go?"

  A small smile turned the corners of his mouth and he looked up to the sky, blinking against the gently falling snow. "I think maybe down the mountain some. I've spent enough time roaming the place, probably would round me out a bit to see the rest of the world. Have any suggestions?"

  Lyn couldn't keep a smile from her face as she replied, "I hear the Western Province is pretty nice. I'm headed there myself."

  "Are you now? Well, seeing as we're both heading in the same direction, perhaps we could travel together for a while. You know, for the sake of practicality."

  "If you insist." Lyn bit her lip to suppress a giggle, and her heart soared. Knowing that Siege was coming with her made facing the next chapter of her voyage much easier, and she suspected they had quite the adventure waiting for them.

  As the sun rose, it brought with it the sparkling rays of dawn. Lyn looked to the sky, seeing clear and vibrant blue. Alir followed her gaze and let out a delighted cry, taking wing once more. The snow around them glittered in serene beauty with the rising sun, and the cool air brushed against Lyn's cheek. As she took in the moment of peace, she sighed to herself in satisfaction and said quietly, "Yes, it's going to be a good journey."

  The End


  Satora sat in a hot bath, enjoying the tingling feeling as warmth returned to his extremities. "Tsk," he said, putting a damp cloth over his face with exaggerated movements, "it has been far too long since I've had a good soak. I must resolve to stop following traveling girls from now on, and stick to city folk. I think I just might wrinkle and dry out if I have to go longer than a day between baths..."

  From beneath the warm cloth, a smile played upon his lips. He had kept watch over the traveling Druid girl throughout the whole of her journey in the Northern Province using his network and considerable resources, and he was pleased to have received the report that she was safely making her way back down the mountain towards the West. The large blonde man he had sent after her up at Brightpeak had turned out to be an interesting character, indeed; as he had suspected, it had been beneficial for them both to spend time in one another's company.

  He chuckled quietly to himself. That Lyn was certainly one of a kind. He slid lower into the steaming tub, relaxing his sore muscles. He had to run his little troupe ragged to beat Lyn and the Skyehart lad down the mountain to this inn because it had to look as though he were simply here by chance, or the game would be up. And after all, he had a reputation to uphold.

  A sudden commotion downstairs startled him from his relaxation, to his great displeasure. He draped himself in a robe and put on his mask, covering the lower half of his face. Even now, he had to keep his identity secret. Even here, where no one might recognize him, he could not risk their safety by exposing himself. So on the black cloth went, and out to the balcony Satora strode.

  He looked down in to the common area to see what the commotion was about and was just in time to witness two travelers, covered in snow head to foot, come through the front door and stand dripping upon the welcome mat. One of them was huge, well over Satora's size, but the other had a distinctly feminine frame.

Satora swore under his breath. He had not been expecting the pair just yet. But it was no matter; a grand entrance was due and Satora had a flair for the dramatic. He slid unnoticed back in to his room and dressed.

  After he finished dressing, he checked to make sure the two travelers were no longer in the common area before he proceeded down to the main desk. Once there, he promptly paid the room and board for the two snow-ridden newcomers. Out of curiosity, he asked if they were using one room or two. The inn keep confirmed that they were indeed in separate rooms, and was kind enough to point him to which they were in. Satora thanked him kindly and thought to himself, "Intriguing..."

  He walked quietly up the stairs to the room he had been pointed to. The door was open a crack, and as Satora peeked in, he saw Lyn sitting at the small desk hunched over. He opened the door just enough to slide through unnoticed, and crept up behind her. A small green journal was open in front of her, in to which she was pouring words in neat hand.

  "What are you writing, there?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

  The girl jumped and spun quickly, her eyes hard. She took a moment to register the eccentric bandit and once she did her face lit in youthful exuberance. "Satora!" she exclaimed. She stood and embraced him tightly.

  "Oof," he said, and patted her on the head fondly. "Now now, you'll crease my clothes dear. And that would be real tragedy." He put her at arm’s length to get a look at her. She did indeed seem healthy, but her eyes were different. Older, Satora thought. They looked older.

  "Wherever is your avian companion?" he inquired, casting about but seeing no trace of the great raptor.

  "Oh, Alir. He is in the stable. For some reason he didn't want to come in. Maybe he's had his fill of staying indoors."

  "Ah," Satora said before leading her back to the desk. "So tell me, what are you writing?"

  Lyn flushed and looked quickly to the small journal. "Oh, it's just a personal account of my little adventures. Nothing, really..."

  "Nothing? Not at all! I'm quite sure your accounts are as perfect as you are. Do let me see."

  "It's not done yet!" Lyn exclaimed, trying to reach over the bandit who was juggling the book away from her.

  "No, no, let's see here." As he flipped through the pages, he saw the book was only about a third full. "Plenty of room for more adventures!" he said jovially as the girl tried desperately to retrieve the book from him. He turned to the last page with writing, which showed only a few sentences. He scanned them quickly, and his eyes returned to Lyn. A smile lit his eyes and he gently handed her the small green book. "Finish it," he encouraged.

  Lyn hesitated for a moment, searching the bandit's brilliant green eyes. But she saw no insincerity so she smiled shyly in response and picked up her quill, dabbing it in ink. With a glance at Satora, who read over her shoulder, she grinned and finished her entry.

  After she was done, Satora patted her on the shoulder and made a snide comment. Lyn snorted and swatted at him playfully. After a moment of jolly back and forth, Satora offered Lyn his arm and the two left the room for dinner. But not, of course, before they picked up Siege to join them. Lyn closed the door behind her and her journal sat open on her desk, the ink from the last entry drying in the chill night air.

  1st day, 1st lunar cycle, 701st age of Arc

  "I think it's safe to say we're almost out of the mountains. Other than an enormous bear that we had to widely avoid, it's been a rather uneventful trip down. I am so glad to have Siege with me. So glad I didn't have to say goodbye. I didn't realize how much I had cared, what bonds I had begun to form with everyone, until this whole ordeal. Saying goodbye to Marcho was hard enough, I can't imagine what it would have been like to say it to Siege. I am making it a priority to visit the people I love, at least one more time before this is all done. Yusef, Zhiva, Marcho, and Satora. Especially Satora.

  Now I sit at a cozy little inn near the base of the mountain. It's been cold, and I came in covered in snow. What do I find but Satora waiting for me in my room, reading my journal. He may lack propriety, but I'm glad he's here. Now I can rest before the next chapter; Siege and I will make our way into the Western Province and see what awaits us there. Who knows, maybe Satora and his merry band will join us for a while and it can be us against the world. Regardless, for now, I am warm, I am safe, and I am in good company. I am happy."

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 29th day, 7th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 2 30th day, 7th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 3 6th day, 8th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 4 20th day, 9th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 5 24th day, 9th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 6 5th day, 10th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 7 8th day, 10th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 8 29th day, 10th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 9 19th day, 11th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 10 17th day, 12th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 11 21th day, 12th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 12 24th day, 12th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc

  Chapter 13 26th day, 12th lunar cycle, 700th age of Arc
